The Lighting Mode of the Material in UE4
早期版本这里是3个光照模式,后续版本增加了1个,目前我使用的 UE4 4.9.2
Volumetric Non Directional
Lighting will be calculated for a volume,without directionality.Use this one particle effects like smoke and dust.This is the cheapest lighting method,however the material normal is not taken into account.
Volumetric Directional
Lighting will be calculated for a volume, with directionality so that the normal of the material is taken into account.Note that default particle tangent space is facing the camera, so enable bGenerateSphericalParticleNormals to get a more useful tangent space.
Surface Translucency Volume
Lighting will be calculated for a surface. The light in accumulated in a volume so the result is blurry(fixed resolution),limited distance but the per pixel cost is very low.Use this on translucent surfaces like glass and water.
Surface PerPixel(experimental,limited features)
Lighting will be calculated for a surface.Use this on translucent surfaces like glass and water.Higher quality than Surface but more expensive(loops through point lights with some basic culling,only inverse square,expensive,no shadow support yet)