UE4 Assets Naming Convention
General Naming Rules
- All names in English.
- All asset dependencies should be in the same folder. (except for shared assets)
- Asset type determines prefix.
- Blueprint is BP_assetname_01
- Certain types (eg. textures) use a suffix to specify sub-types.
- T_Grass_01_N for normal maps
- Use underscores to split type from identifier and numeric values.
- Use numeric values with 2 digits.
Asset Type | Prefix | Example | Comment |
Blueprint | BP_ | BP_WallLight_01 | Except for derived common classes: HUD / GameMode / Character |
Blueprint Interface | BPI_ | BPI_InventoryItem_01 | |
Material | M_ | M_Grass_01 | |
Material Instance | MI_ | MI_Grass_01 | |
Material Function | MF_ | MF_CheapContrast | Not numbered |
Material Parameter Collection | MPC_ | MPC_EnvironmentSettings_01 | |
Static Mesh | SM_ | SM_Wall_01 | |
Skeletal Mesh | SK_ | SK_Character_01 | |
Texture | T_ | T_Grass_01_D | Has suffix for texture types. See suffixes table. |
Particle System | P_ | P_Fire_01 | |
Physics Material | _PhysMat | Dirt_PhysMat | Not numbered |
Sound | S_ | S_HitImpact_Mono_01 | Include _Mono or _Stereo designations |
Sound Cue | S_*_Cue | S_HitImpact_01_Cue | |
Attenuation | _att | Explosion_att | |
Enumeration | E | EWeaponType | Not numbered. Similar to convention in code (enum EWeaponType) |
Render Target | RT_ | RT_CameraCapturePoint_01 | |
Vector/Float/Color Curve | Curve_ | Curve_Recoil_AK47 | |
Camera Shake | CamShake_ | CamShake_Landed | |
User Widget | Widget_ | Widget_EnergyBar | |
Font | Font_ | Font_Roboto48 | Font size is included in name. |
Texture types all use the T_ prefix.
Texture type | Suffix |
Diffuse/Color Map | _D |
Normal Map | _N |
Emissive Map | _E |
Mask Map | _M |
Roughness Map | _R |
Metallic Map | _MT |
Specular | _S |
Displacement | _DP |
Ambient Occlusion | _AO |
Height Map | _H |
Flow Map | _F |
Light Map (custom) | _L |
These types have no prefix.
Asset type | Suffix |
Animation Blueprint | _AnimBlueprint |
Physics Asset | _Physics |
Skeleton | _Skeleton |
Blendspace | _BlendSpace |
AnimMontage | _Montage |
Texture Masks
RGB Mask for environment:
- R = Metallic
- G = Roughness
- B = Ambient Occlusion
Content Directories
Content\AI | all AI specific content (blackboard – controller – pawn – tasks) |
Content\Base | base assets (eg. master materials) material functions and other "foundations" assets |
Content\Characters | character meshes / blueprints and skeletons. |
Content\Experimental | development assets / mockup meshes / special textures and icons. Not part of final build |
Content\Effects | particle effects and dependencies. |
Content\Environment | environment assets (meshes – materials – textures) |
Content\Gameplay | gameplay specific assets (eg. flag mesh & dependencies for Capture The Flag) |
Content\Sounds | sounds and sound cues |
Content\UI | menu and HUD assets |
Content\Weapons | weapons and projectiles |
Coding Standards
Epic has set up a Coding Standards page at the Unreal documentation pages.
Parts of this document were taken and/or modified from the naming convention page over at Unreal’s wiki.